Swami Med Company offers treatment and diagnosis in Israel in the leading private hospitals of the country. As is well known, thanks to the high level of medicine, Israel ranks third in the world in life expectancy (women - 82 years, men - 78 years). Private hospitals of Israel have been providing excellent medical services to patients from around the world for nearly 17 years.
Swami Med Company collaborates with the renowned clinics, private hospitals and medical centers in the country. The best doctors who specialize in your specific disease and the most advanced medical technologies are at your disposal. Treatment regimens are selected individually for each patient. We will help to organize a flight, diagnosis and treatment of the patient, as well as to book tickets, hotel or apartment, considering the budget of the client. All diagnoses, doctors' recommendations will be provided in your native language.
In case of emergency we will arrange an urgent flight to Israel. Our main difference from other companies is that we do not take money for the diagnosis and treatment, you will pay directly to the hospital. You do not need to call abroad to find the information you need - contact us directly and we will clue you in the right direction considering your needs.
With the Swami Med Company any of your problems will be solved!
Why Israel?
Health – is a miracle, given to man by nature. Sooner or later we are all convinced of the fact that there is nothing more precious than our own health and the health of nearest and dearest people. However, the level of medicine in the former Soviet Union may not always provide a solution to health problems, especially in the case when the diagnosis and treatment require the use of modern medical technologies and the work of highly skilled doctors.
In this case sometimes the only way out of the situation is treatment abroad. Recently, as the need in treatment abroad arises more and more people choose Israel.
Israeli medicine has achieved good results in treatment of the most complex diseases in the world.
Modern diagnostic methods in cardiology (electrocardiology, phonocardiology, angicardiology, cardiac catheterization, a large number of biochemical techniques etc.) can detect heart and vessels diseases in early stages and to apply an effective preventive therapy and treatment.
Israel is known worldwide for its methods of early detection of cancer. A variety of diagnostic tests and advanced research of the new generation are used to set a diagnosis. Israeli hematologists, specialists in treatment of oncology and other blood diseases have achieved very good results. Hundreds (!) of blood tests, detection of tumor markers and detailed biochemical studies are carried out in Israeli laboratories. Adults and children suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, polycythemia, anemia and other hematologic disorders are treated in specialized institutions and departments of the largest hospitals in Israel.
A complete diagnosis and treatment of all children’s diseases in the outpatient and inpatient modes is carried out in private hospitals of Israel at the highest level. Departments in children’s hospitals are organized according to age. Parents are also admitted to a hospital together with newborn children or children with severe pathology. There is a “maternity hotel” for parents whose children do not need their constant presence on the premises of a hospital.
Couples seeking for productive ways to treat infertility, as well as couples, who decided to have a baby with the help of artificial insemination, will certainly try to be diagnosed and treated in Israel. Plastic surgery in Israel began its development back in the mid 50s of last century, and no doubt has made significant progress in this area. Israeli plastic surgeons have great recognition among their foreign counterparts, and often travel abroad to conduct various plastic surgeries. It should also be mentioned that various aesthetic treatments using modern laser equipment - such as peeling, removal of birthmarks and warts, painless hair removal, tattoo removal, removal of capillaries and scars, liposuction are held in private hospitals.
Experts in the field of surgery and orthopedics superbly cope with rehabilitation and treatment of ailments of the respiratory tract.
That is why we can safely say that Israeli doctors will help you restore your health and feel the joy of life again!
Treatment in Israel offers an ideal opportunity to combine high-quality medical care with a good rest.
A distinctive feature of a treatment abroad is an opportunity to combine leisure with an access to high-quality medical care in the best medical centers in Israel.
Medical tourism is very popular among residents of Canada, the USA and Western Europe, as in Israel it is possible to undergo necessary procedures without waiting and to be treated at the level of world standards.
Residents of Russia and other CIS countries have also discovered medical tourism long ago. Priority place of destination for them in this area is Israel. In fact, Israeli medicine rightfully ranks one of the leading places in the world for the quality and level of medical care.
So why should you choose Israel? There are several reasons for this:
- Treatment in Israel - is an impeccable reputation on the European level
- Treatment in Israel - is excellent specialists
- Treatment in Israel - is high-quality facilities of each hospital: the level of technical equipment of Israel occupies one of the leading places in the world
- Treatment in Israel- is a reasonable price: the price for treatment abroad in Israel is much lower than in European price lists and price lists of the United States.
How does it work?
The most important thing is that with us you will not feel lonely, because next to you will always be an experienced assistant who will arrange advantageous and comfortable presence in the territory of Israel. We are always glad to answer all your questions!
First of all, you should contact us by phone: +972 505 713 760 or +972 533 383 287
Then you should provide the following documents: medical history, diagnosis, necessary medical images and tests’ results. You can send them by e-mail: info@swamimed.com or fax +972 3 516 1250
Upon receiving from you a package of documents, we select within 3-4 days a private hospital with leading medical specialists in the area you need. We also select the best option for your treatment taking into account the approximate cost of medical services in Israel, and then we will contact you to provide this information. Further decision depends only on you.
If you have decided to undergo treatment with our help as an option you can use such services as booking tickets, visa processing, if necessary transfer to / from airport, booking hotel, translation services in your native language, escort in Israel.
We will come back to you with good news!
- Тел. : +972 505 713 760
- Тел. : +972 544 386 532
- info@diormed.com
- diormed.com
- diormed instagram